DRI Sleeper Eclipse wireless bedwetting alarm

DRI Sleeper Eclipse wireless bedwetting alarm

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The DRI Sleeper® Eclipse alarm uses a remote wireless sensor to detect bedwetting. Simply place the small Urosensor™ in the child's underwear and the DRI Sleeper® Eclipse receiver on a nearby bedside table. When wetting starts, the Urosensor™ will trigger the receiver alarm, sounding a loud alert and waking the child.

Features of the Dri Sleeper® Eclipse bedwetting alarm:

  • No wires between alarm and sensor
  • DRI Sleeper alarm unit size: 70 x 40 x 20mm
  • High volume with tamper-proof volume adjustment
  • Designed like a small 'space rocket' for child appeal
  • The Urosensor™ can transmit to more than one DRI Sleeper® alarm unit, so there can be another receiver in a parent's or carer's room
  • Big detecting area to detect urine
  • Battery will last for three months of nightly use triggering twice a night and therefore shouldn't need changing during the normal treatment period

Urosensor™ technology – the only non-metal urine sensor means there is no corrosion by urine, no skin irritation, and is easy to clean for instant reuse. The sensor will last at least a year if used nightly and triggers the alarm twice a night. The special electronics make the wireless Urosensor™ completely safe. 

Please note that the sensors for all the bedwetting alarms we sell are replaceable items. They do wear out and are not covered by the guarantee.

Replacement sensors for the DRI Sleeper Eclipse alarm are available in our shop.

Customer Reviews

Based on 60 reviews
Rebecca McConnell
6 year old has mastered dry nights

My 6 year old has never had a dry night since birth (soaking through nappies even to his pjs some nights) and we had tried lots of techniques. We tried this alarm and it worked on the third night he was completely dry!! We couldn’t believe it. We kept using for a couple of weeks and he had the odd night of wet but the alarm woke him up before he wet through the bed. After the 2/3 weeks we have removed the alarm and he has only had one accident in the last 3 weeks!
Initially the alarm wasn’t working (I think it was because the yoto player was near it) so make sure you move wireless things in the room before using.

Katie Day
Absolute Magic!

After years of trying, our nearly 7 year old was still wetting herself multiple times a night. Since using this alarm, my daughter was completely dry after one week! It has completely changed her confidence and made the idea of sleepovers possible. I would highly recommend this to anyone. It was like a switch flipped in her body and she is now consistently dry each night with 0 accidents. Well worth the money!!!

Relieved parents
Our experience

It worked, and I'm so glad I bought it. We'd never have got there without it.

Our 6 year old daughter had tried no nappies, but didn't wake even when soaked through - she was getting a horrible rash from the urine.
The alarm is really loud which made her nervous, so we kept it in our room and woke her when it went off- this worked fine.
Putting the sensor in sanitary towel or pants was a disaster. The sanitary towels had that same gel that nappies
have in them which stuck to the sensor and we were generating so so much washing - one night was 5 wetting episodes. I fully expected we were going to be going to the GP for help.
We wrapped the sensor in a couple of sheets of toilet paper and popped it loose inside a nighttime pull up and it worked perfectly. No more wet beds or pajamas, and it picked up the teeniest bit of wetting, no problem.

The diary sheets were really helpful to see progress - within 2 weeks we were averaging only 1 wake up, then the odd dry night, then all of a sudden she managed the two weeks dry! The alarm is waking them so quickly their body really quickly gets used to stopping. I think we went back to the alarm and pull up twice after that, never for a full wetting, just really small amount on pajamas and she was waking which was brilliant. Each time we'd get to 2 dry weeks with the alarm again and then we'd go back to just pajamas.
She's now just managed a full month dry and is happy and confident. So I'd say we used the alarm on and off for nearly 2 months.
The price of the alarm is killer, but nothing else was going to work. Highly recommend.

First ever dry night after one week!

I know we aren’t finished yet but for my 8 year old son has just had his first ever dry night after 1 week of using this miracle worker.
I’m so proud of him, success here we come!
Thank you Eric.

Worked for us

Our little boy is six and had never had a dry night. He is a heavy sleeper and during the day he tends to hold his wee til absolutely bursting. So I wasn't sure if the alarm was going to work for us. We used it with pull ups to minimise sheet changes, and started at Christmas so we could all cope with the wake-ups.

Week 1: 2-4 alarms every night, full wees every time
Week 2: 1 alarm per night, still a full wee but clearly holding it for much longer
Week 3: first fully dry nights, first ever night trips to the loo, a few nights where the alarm went off once but much smaller wees.
Week 4: almost all nights dry
After 5 consecutive dry nights we ditched the pull ups and used the alarm with pants. We are now on dry night number 11 and all looking forward to stopping the alarm completely! He is really proud and we are very pleased.